

In this site you can test your SCI or API implementation
Please Remember that every transaction that happen here is for testing purpose
  • With only 1 email you can get 2 FasaPay Sandbox Account
    1. 1 Account with STORE status
    2. 1 Account with ACTIVE status
  • Both account will be deleted if not used for 7 days.
  • Both account will only be available for 30 days after creation.
    (no matter when the last time it used)
  • Every account will get Rp. 1.000.000 starting balance
    This starting balance will not be rechargeable, please use it wisely.
    There is compensation for 'non rechargeable starting balance' in the next rule
  • For every activation of currency will get Rp. 1.000.000 or $100 starting balance. (only once at the first activation)
  • Every hour, transaction with age more than six hours will be deleted.
    (compensation for the non rechargeable starting balance)
  • Available feature :
    1. SCI Sandbox
    2. API Sandbox
    3. Disable/Enable Currency
    4. Create Store for account with status STORE
    5. Create API for account with status STORE
Create Account